My tribal theme seems to be taking on a life of its own, I keep coming up with new ideas so in turn I'm almost neglecting my other themes...oops. But this is most definitely blog month and I have been setting the A3 scanner alight the amount of times I've used it this month, so I'l just keep on updating, here are some more 'Warriors' as I've called them, I had the idea of taking really pretty dresses and drawing them on sword wielding ladies, certainly fashion with an edge, and speaks on some level on female empowerment (and maybe with an unintentional lord of the rings influence) and also I had to include my discovery of Marchesa's most recent collection, it's not strictly in keeping with the project but sometimes there are dresses you just have to draw. I hope I do them some kind of justice. (By the way the other dresses are Amanda Wakeley and Burberry)
On a last note, sometimes, you draw image after image just to get them done, and then sometimes you spend ages on one, because it's important to get a vision across. I think this was the case when I did my title page for 'The Tribe'.